Date Spots

Dating Resources Network provides a call/text option for date planning: (732) 523-0614 

Binyan Shidduch Center has a super clear list of classic date spots divided by location and category.

Google Maps list of date ideas. Feel free to add your own and grow the list.

Resources When Dating Out of Town (provided by Dating Resources Network)

Los Angeles

Mrs. Maller

(323) 919-4997


Sara Nagel

Houston Shidduch Initiative

(832) 264-3935 (call/text/WhatsApp)

She can help with subsidizing flights, car, planning date venue, hosting, and any other need. 


The Toronto Shidduch Initiative is available to assist you with all your dating needs in Toronto, including but not limited to: dating locations, hosting, car loans, proposal and game gemachs. You can reach Laura Leitman, TSI coordinator by calling (647) 327-7175 or by email to You can also visit our website at If you require time-sensitive assistance, please contact Mrs. Leitman directly at (416) 894-5020, via text, WhatsApp or phone.


Mrs. Lichtenstein

(216) 287-9964

For other cities, please reach out to the Dating Resources Network office at (201) 582-3513 and they will be happy to assist.